Urban sustainability citizenship situates citizens as social change agents with an ethical and self-interested stake in living sustainably with the rest of Earth. Such citizens not only engage in sustainable household practices but respect the importance of awareness raising, discussion and debates on sustainability policies for the common good and maintenance of Earth’s ecosystems.
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This book was a revised version of my doctoral thesis (1995) published in hardcover by Routledge (London), in 1999 — Studies in the History of Economics #25 — and later as an eBook, and then released in paperback in 2014. Reviews included a review article by PA O’Hara (2000) ‘Money and
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Servant of the Revolution highlights the point of view of a strong, intelligent and pragmatic protagonist, Lenchen, to reveal hard and soft gender power plays, an omnipotent patriarchal social structure, a constant dynamism between a challenging reality and the hope of both socialist and feminist ideals, a tale of sturdy
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