I work in interdisciplinary ways with skills in a variety of disciplines and fields of knowledge, addressing so many topics that it seemed inappropriate to list them by subject, discipline or method.

Publications are clustered under type of work, from books to journalism and theses — listed chronologically, recent to earliest works. Elsewhere in this site, find out about a play I wrote here and scripts for short films.

Links below are to pages devoted to key projects at this site, to copies of publications, to publication details and to related matter such as numerous podcasts and videos.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Horne R, Ambrose A, Walker, G and Nelson A (eds) (2024) Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice. Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Nelson A (2022) Beyond Money: A Postcapitalist Strategy. Pluto Press: London.

Nelson A and Edwards F (eds) (2021) Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Practices. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): Abingdon.

Liegey V and Nelson A (2020) Exploring Degrowth: A Critical Guide. Pluto Press (FireWorks series): London.

Nelson A and Schneider F (eds) (2018) Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): Abingdon.

Nelson A (2018) Small Is Necessary: Shared Living on a Shared Planet. Pluto Press: London.

Dodson J, Sipe N and Nelson A (eds) (2016) Planning After Petroleum: Preparing Cities for the Age Beyond Oil. Routledge: NYC/London.

Horne R, Fien J, Beza BB and Nelson A (eds) (2016) Sustainability Citizenship and Cities: Theory and Practice. Routledge: London.

Nelson A and Timmerman F (eds) (2011) Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies. Pluto Press: London. Translated, Korean edition, Booksea Pub: Paju, 2014.

Nelson A (2007/2016) (ed.) Steering Sustainability in an Urbanizing World: Policy, Practice and Performance. Ashgate: Aldershot.

Nelson A (1999/2014) Marx’s Concept of Money: The God of Commodities. Routledge: London. (Studies in the History of Economics 25.)

AHURI final reports and positioning papers

Goodman R, Nelson A, Dalton T, Cigdem M, Gabriel M and Jacobs K (2013) The Experience of Marginal Rental Housing in Australia. Final Report 210, 140pp. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute: Melbourne.

Goodman R, Dalton T, Gabriel M, Jacobs K and Nelson A (2012) Marginal Rental Housing in Australia. Positioning Paper 148, 41pp. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute: Melbourne.

Berry M, Dalton T and Nelson A (2010) Mortgage Default in Australia: Nature, Causes and Social and Economic Impacts. Final Report 145, 95pp. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute: Melbourne.

Berry M, Dalton T and Nelson A (2009) Mortgage Default in Australia: Nature, Causes and Social and Economic Impacts. Positioning Paper 114, 115 pp. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne.

Book chapters

Nelson A (forthcoming, 2025) ‘In defence of eco-collaborative housing communities: Porous boundaries and scaling out’ in Pickerill J, Kraftl P and Hadfield-Hill S (eds) Eco-Communities: Living Together Differently. Bloomsbury: London.

Nelson A (2024) ‘Pre-figurative hybrids for post-carbon inclusion’ in Horne R, Ambrose A, Walker, G and Nelson A (eds) Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice. Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Nelson A (2024) ‘From an “Imperial Mode of Living” to a “Caring Commons”’ in Horne R, Ambrose A, Walker, G and Nelson A (eds) Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice. Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Horne R, Nelson A, Ambrose A and Walker G (2024) ‘Post-carbon inclusion: Transitions built on justice’ in Horne R, Ambrose A, Walker, G and Nelson A (eds) Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice. Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Horne R, Nelson A, Walker G and A Ambrose (2024) ‘Future directions for post-carbon Inclusion’ in Horne R, Ambrose A, Walker, G and Nelson A (eds) Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice. Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Horne R, Nelson A and Dorignon L (2024) ‘Housing narratives for post-carbon inclusive societies’ in Horne R, Ambrose A, Walker, G and Nelson A (eds) Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice. Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Edwards F and Nelson A (forthcoming, 2024) ‘Degrowth and food’ (entry) in Lewis Holloway, Mike Goodman, Damian Maye, Moya Kneafsey, Alexandra Sexton and Ana Moragues Faus (eds) Elgar Encyclopedia of Food and Society. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham UK/ Northampton MA.

Nelson A (2024) ‘Degrowth: Monetary and nonmonetary economies’ in Eastwood L and Heron K (eds) De Gruyter Handbook of Degrowth. De Gruyter: Berlin.

Nelson A and Chatterton P (2022) ‘Dwelling beyond growth: Negotiating the state, mutualism and commons’ in Savini F,  Ferreira A. and Carlotta von Schönfeld K (eds) Post-Growth Planning: Cities Beyond the Market Economy. Routledge: New York.

Nelson A (2022) ‘Eco-socialism from a post-development perspective‘ in Alexander S, Chandra-Shekeran S. and Gleeson B. (eds) Post-Capitalist Futures: Paradigms, Politics and Prospects. Alternatives and Futures series. Palgrave/Springer: Melbourne.

Nelson A (2022) ‘Moneyfree economies and ecosocialism‘ in Brownhill L, Engel-Di Mauro S, Giacomini T, Isla A, Löwy M and  Turner T.E. (eds) The Routledge Handbook on Ecosocialism (1st edn). Routledge: London and New York.

Nelson A and Edwards F (2021) ‘Food for degrowth’, in Nelson A and Edwards F (eds) Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Practices. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): London.

Edwards F and Nelson A (2021) ‘Future research directions: Food for degrowth’ in Nelson A and Edwards F (eds) Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Practices, Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): London.

Exner A, Morgan J, Nahrada F, Nelson A and Siefkes C (2020) ‘Demonetize: The problem is money’ in Burkhart C, Schmelzer M and Treu N (eds) Degrowth in Movement(s): Exploring Pathways for Transformation. Zero Books: London. (English version of German, 2017, as below.)

Nelson A (2019) ‘Afterword’ in Project Society After Money, Society After Money: A Dialogue. Bloomsbury (Thinking Media series): London.

Nelson A (2018) ‘Housing for growth narratives’ in Nelson A and Schneider F (eds) Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): London.

Nelson A (2018) ‘Non-monetary eco-collaborative living for degrowth’ in Nelson A and Schneider F (eds) Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): London.

Nelson A and Schneider F (2018) ‘Summary and research futures for housing for degrowth’ in Nelson A and Schneider F (eds) Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): London.

Schneider F and Nelson A (2018) ‘”Open localism” — On Xue and Vansintjan III’ in Nelson A and Schneider F (eds) Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series): London.

Exner A, Morgan J, Nahrada F, Nelson A and Siefkes C (2017) ‘Demonetarisierung‘/‘Demonetize’ in Degrowth in Bewegung(en). Oekum Verlag: Munich. (See English version, above, 2020.)

Nelson A and Moxham N (2016) ‘Praxis and axis: Theory as practice in a Melanesian case study’ in Rowell LL, Bruce CD, Shosh JM and Riel MM (eds) The Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, pp. 578–97. Handbook site.

Nelson A (2016) ‘The praxis of sustainability citizenship’ in Horne R, Fien J, Beza BB and Nelson A (eds) Sustainability Citizenship in Cities: Theory and Practice. Routledge: London.

Nelson A, Horne R, Beza BB and Fien J (2016) ‘Futures for sustainability citizenship’ in Horne R, Fien J, Beza BB and Nelson A (eds) Sustainability Citizenship in Cities: Theory and Practice. Routledge: London.

Horne R, Fien J, Beza BB and Nelson A (2016) ‘Sustainability citizenship in cities’ in Horne R, Fien J, Beza BB and Nelson A (eds) Sustainability Citizenship in Cities: Theory and Practice. Routledge: London.

Dodson J, Sipe N and Nelson A (2016) ‘Investigating cities after oil: Planning for systemic urban oil vulnerability’ in Dodson J, Sipe N and Nelson A (eds) Planning After Petroleum: Preparing Cities for the Age Beyond Oil, Routledge: NY and London.

Sipe N, Dodson J and Nelson A (2016) ‘Planning and petroleum futures: research direction’ in Dodson J, Sipe N and Nelson A (eds) Planning After Petroleum: Preparing Cities for the Age Beyond Oil, Routledge: NY and London.

Refereed journal articles

Nelson A (2024) ‘Marx, work, agency and postcapitalist prefiguration‘, Human Geography, Online First 11 March.

Pickerill J, Chitewere T, Cornea N, Lockyer J, Macrorie R, Maly Blažek J, and Nelson A  (2024) ‘Urban ecological futures: Five eco-community strategies for more sustainable and equitable cities, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 48(1): 161–76.

Nelson A (2023) ‘Postcapitalist practices and human, economic, and cultural geographies‘, Dialogues in Human Geography 13(1) — One of four commentaries in FORUM 3 on Sutherland, C. (2023). Mark Fisher and reimagining postcapitalist geographies See Sutherland’s response to the commentaries — Sutherland, C. (2023) Towards an intersectional postcapitalism

Nelson A (2020) Covid-19: Capitalist and Postcapitalist Perspectives in Symposium on Capitalism and the Pandemic special issue of Human Geography 13(3): 305–9. [Online 21 July 2020. At 4 June 2021 remained the most read Human Geography article for the last six months (>7000 views and downloads). By 30 August 2022 it had 20,377 views and downloads since first appearing.]

Nelson A and Liegey V (2020) ‘Democratic crises and degrowth‘, Demos #10 Special Issue: Crises.

Nelson A (2018) ‘Zatančíme si?’, translated extract from Chapter 7 of Small is Necessary (2018, as above) in Czech journal, ERA21 #02, 2018 Politika Bydlení (Housing Policy), pp. 36–39.

Nelson A (2018) ‘Geld oder Sozialismus’ (German translation of Chapter 2 in Life Without Money, 2011), Maske und Kothurn: Internationale Beiträge zur Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, 64 (1–2) — ‘Marx. Geld. Digitale Medien.’ special issue edited by T.A. Heilmann and Jens Schröter: 200–224.

Nelson A (2017) ‘Castlemaine: Climate change, consciousness and art‘, Arcadia: Online Explorations in Environmental History 30, Autumn.

Nelson A (2016) ‘“Your money or your life”: Money and socialist transformation‘, Capitalism Nature Socialism 27(4): 40–60.

Nelson A, Berry M and Dalton T (2013) ‘Disability and mortgage default: An Australian study‘, Disability & Society 28(4): 471–85.

Nelson A and Cole C (2012) ‘Productive creative writers’ relationships: A communities-of-practice framework‘, New Writing 9(3): 396–407.

Nelson A and Timmerman F (2012) ‘Non-market socialism today‘, Overland 207: 76–81.

Nelson A (2011) ‘Carbon emissions: Prices and values‘, Journal of Australian Political Economy — Special Issue: Challenging Climate Change. 66 (Summer 2010/2011): 268–85.

Nelson A (2010) ‘Servant of the Revolution: The creative art of serving history and the imagination’, Hecate: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women’s Liberation 36(1&2): 137–52.

Refereed articles in conference proceedings

Cole C and Nelson A (2010) ‘Literary communities: Writers’ practices and networks‘, in The Strange Bedfellows or Perfect Partners Papers: Refereed Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs, 2010. The Australian Association of Writing Programs: Guyra (NSW).

Nelson A (2005) ‘Stakeholders contest the future of Goolengook’, in Calver M (ed.) Proceedings of the VI Australian Forest History Society Conference 2004. Augusta. Mill Press: Amsterdam [CD].

Cartwright, W. Pettit, C. Nelson A and Berry M (2005) ‘Towards an understanding of how the geographical dirtiness (complexity) of a virtual environment changes user perceptions of a space’, in Zerger A and Argent R (eds) Proceedings of the International Congress of Modelling and Simulation: Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra: 3037–44.

Cartwright W, Pettit C, Nelson A and Berry M (2005) ‘Community collaborative decision-making tools: Determining the extent of “geographical dirtiness” for effective displays‘, in Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference, 9–16 July. A Coruña: Spain.

Unpublished papers for refereed conferences

Nelson A (2021) ‘Non-monetary economies and degrowth’ at Building Alternative Livelihoods in Times of Ecological and Political Crisis Joint Conference of ISEE, ESEE, and DEGROWTH in collaboration with Manchester University, UK—5–8 July 2021, in Manchester (UK) and online.

Nelson A and Leahy T (2020) Nonmarket Socialism. What is it? How will we get there? at the 11th Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) workshop organised by the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sydney 6–7 February.

Nelson A (2018) ‘Degrowth and non-monetary futures,’ Green or Brown Investments? Another Bubble in the Making?’ for the 4th International Growth in Transition Conference: Europe’s Transformation: Where People Matter. 14–15 November, Austria Centre, Vienna. Conference Report pp. 19–20 and video —

Schneider F and Nelson A (2018) ‘Housing for degrowth policy paper’ for the Institutionalisation of Degrowth and Post-Growth: The European Level Seminar, Brussels Free University (Brussels) 17 September 2018.

Schneider F and Nelson A (2018) ‘Degrowth movement: Integration before institutionalisation’, paper for the Institutionalisation of Degrowth and Post-Growth: The European Level Seminar, Brussels Free University (Brussels) 17 September 2018.

Nelson A and Leahy T (2018) ‘Non-Market Socialism: What is it? How will it work?’ Joint papers from the Socialist and Anarchist Utopias Panel, The Great Transition: Setting the Stage for a Post-Capitalist Society International Conference, Montreal (Canada), 17–20 May 2018.

Nelson A (2018) ‘The political economy of space and time in Eduardo Galeano’ paper presented at the 9th Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Workshop, Monash University, Melbourne, 8–9 February 2018.

Nelson A (2017) ‘Commoning: A future without property’ paper presented at the Whose Land Is It Anyway Symposium, RMIT University, Melbourne 14–16 November.

Nelson A (2016) ‘Communal and ecological practices to achieve degrowth housing’ paper presented at the 5th International Degrowth Conference, Corvinus University, Budapest, 30 August–3 September.

Nelson A (2016) ‘Non-monetary degrowth is strategically significant’ paper presented at the 5th International Degrowth Conference, Corvinus University, Budapest, 30 August–3 September.

Nelson A (2016) ‘A non-market ecosocialist exit from capitalism’ paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’, School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon, 7–9 September.

Nelson A (2015) ‘New materialism is “Green Materialism”’ paper presented at the Historical Materialism Australasia Conference 2015, University of Sydney, 17–18 July.

Dalton T and Nelson A (2015) ‘The challenge of suburban growth: Land development for housing in an Australian suburban city’ paper presented at the European Network for Housing Research Lisboa2015, Lisbon, 28 June–1 July.

Dalton T and Nelson A (2015) ‘When the ‘fringe’ is the future: Land development for housing in Melbourne’s growth areas,’ paper presented at the 8th Australian Housing Researchers Conference 2015, Hobart, 18–20 February.

Nelson A (2014) ‘Piketty’s Capital, inequality and money’, paper presented at the 2014 Historical Materialism Australasia Conference, Sydney, 5–6 September.

Academic reviews of books and films, tributes and obituaries

Nelson A (2023) ‘A human geography of the space of the square‘, Progress in Political Economy, (25 July).

Nelson A (2023) ‘‘Emancipate richnesses!’’, Radical Ecological Democracy, 24 April, book review of Hope in Hopeless Times by John Holloway.

Nelson A and Shute C (2022/3) ‘Distinguished philosopher turned to writing crime fiction‘ Sydney Morning Herald, 1 December 2022 online; printed as ‘Philosopher turned to writing crime fiction’, The Age, 5 January 2023: 36.

Nelson A (2021) ‘Justice and democracy: A book review‘, Progress in Political Economy, (20 July).

Nelson A (2019) ‘Money: Top-down and bottom-up‘ [Review article] Capitalism Nature Socialism 30(3): 134–38. Online 25 March.

Nelson A (2014) ‘Taking what’s ours’, Overland (online, 21 October) re-posted at Progress in Political Economy (6 December).

Nelson A (2014) ‘Looking back on the affluent society‘, Overland (online, 26 June).

Nelson A (2014) ‘Progress and poverty: The Piketty effect‘, Overland (online, 16 June).

Nelson A (2014) ‘Frans Timmerman, 1947–2014‘, Capitalism Nature Socialism 25(3), 111–116.

Nelson A (2014) ‘Book review: The human economy: A citizens’ guide‘, Review of Radical Political Economics 46(1), 110–14.

Nelson A (2013) ‘Remaking scarcity‘, Science & Society 77(4), 590–91.

Nelson A (2013) ‘Capitalism: In, with, for and by debt‘, Capitalism Nature Socialism 24(3), 254–7 —

Nelson A and Timmerman F (2013) ‘Money, politics, self-sufficiency‘, (rebuttal to Scerri’s comment on review article of Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies), Arena Magazine 124, 15.

Nelson A (2012) ‘The dialectics of capitalism‘, Journal of Australian Political Economy 68 (Summer 2011/2012), 266–68.

Scholarly journalism and creative writing

Nelson A (2024) ‘Reply to Robinson on “Degrowth?”‘, 3 May, Arena Online.

Nelson A (2024) ‘Value Par Excellence: Money Versus Real Values‘ 23 April, Progress in Political Economy.

Nelson A (2024) ‘SEXTET’ (concrete poem) Unusual Work 37.

Nelson A (2024) ‘Scream’ (poem) Hecate 48(1).

Nelson A (2023) ‘Talking degrowth in Zagreb‘, posted 26 October, Green Agenda Journal Vol. 3.

Nelson A (2023) ‘Degrowth in IV movements‘ (poem) 10 October, Progress in Political Economy.

Nelson A (2023) ‘Degrowth’ (extracts from a talk for Humanists Victoria 25 May 2023) New Community 21(2) #82: 5–6.

Nelson A (2023) ‘#8. New glossary entry: “Money”‘, posted 2 April, Institutional Landscapes.

Nelson A (2023) ‘Money’ and ‘Urban sustainability’ In Haddad B and Solomon B (eds) Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar Press.

Nelson A (2022) ‘Seeds of eco-communalism‘ in Which Future are we Living in? Forum, November, Great Transition Initiative (GTI).

Nelson A and Leigey V (2022) ‘These technologies help you live lightly on a fragile planet‘, Scientific American, 11 October.

Nelson A (2022) ‘Is small and sustainable housing really possible? In conversation with Anitra Nelson‘ by Liam Murphy , 8 August, City Monitor UK.

Nelson A (2022) ‘How degrowth approaches can provide quality products, help local economies and drive sustainability‘, 28 June 2022, Bright Green: Independent Media for Radical, Democratic, Green Movements.

Nelson A and Liegey V (2022) ‘Work for Degrowth‘ in Green Agenda 2/2022.

Nelson A (2022) ‘Real valuism and political economy‘, 3 March 2022, Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Nelson A (2022) ‘Relocalizing technology‘ in Technology and the Future Forum, February, Great Transition Initiative (GTI).

Nelson A (2022) ‘Is postcapitalism post-money?‘, 10 February 2022, Radical Ecological Democracy (RED).

Nelson A (2022) ‘Postcapitalism 2021‘, 18 November 2021, Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Nelson A (2021) ‘Socialism, money and real values’ SEARCH Members Discussion Bulletin, September, p. 14 —

Nelson A (2021) ‘Degrowth‘, 4 January, Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Nelson A (2020) ‘Where the “political” meets the “economy”, York Left Consortium: Reflections on Capitalism’s Half-Life (York University) site.

Nelson A and Liegey V (2020) ‘Four principles of degrowth‘ at the Pluto Press site.

Nelson A and Liegey V (2020) Democratic crisis and degrowth‘, Demos #10 (July) Crisis special issue.

Nelson A and Liegey V (2020) ‘Limit growth: Liberate degrowth‘, Open Democracy, 18 May.

Nelson A and Liegey V (2020) ‘Coronavirus and degrowth‘, Ecologist, 3 April.

Nelson A and Coffey B (2019) ‘What is “ecological economics” and why do we need to talk about it?‘, The Conversation, 5 November.

Nelson A (2018) ‘Housing — and planning — for degrowth‘, Progress in Political Economy, 9 October.

Nelson A (2018) ‘Can housing struggles —> ecosocialism?‘, Progress in Political Economy, 13 March.

Nelson A (2018) ‘The political economy of space and time in Eduardo Galeano, Progress in Political Economy, 20 February. Republished by Monthly Review 2 March 2018

Nelson A (2017) ‘Goolengook and Guernica‘, Seeing the Wood: A Blog by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society of the Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich), 16 March.

Nelson A (2016) ‘An environmentally just city works best for all in the end‘, The Conversation, 4 March, reprinted in Property Observer, 9 March, and Domain,11 March. 

Nelson A (2016) ‘Art and money: Money and us‘, DanceHouse Diary 9 —Special issue on Money, May/June.

Nelson A (2015) ‘In defence of ecovillages: The communities that can teach the world to live sustainably‘, The Conversation, 26 August.

Nelson A (2015) ‘New, and Green, materialism‘, Progress in Political Economy, 29 July.

Nelson A (2015) ‘Let one hundred flowers bloom‘, Progress in Political Economy, 8 March.

Nelson A (2015) ‘We’re all that’s Left‘, Progress in Political Economy, 29 October.

Nelson A (2015) ‘$$$$STIPENDS…’ Unusual Work 18 May (poem in unpaginated magazine).

Nelson A (2014) ‘Rickety Piketty: The road to non-market socialism‘, Progress in Political Economy 29 October.

Nelson A (2014) ‘As happened on the day’, Unusual Work 17 (performance prose in unpaginated literary magazine).

Nelson A (2013) ‘An impossible marriage: Solidarity economy and monetary economy‘, 26 March. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Viewpoint Series 2013 — think pieces solicited for the UNRISD Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy conference, 6–8 May 2013.

Learning/teaching materials

Nelson A (2024) Degrowth as a Concept and Practice, The Commons Social Change Library, available at

Wadsworth Y, Nelson A, Johnson K and Guevara R (2011) Research Strategies Study Guide: Collaborative action research and systemic inquiry. Revised edition of 2006 original by Nelson A and Johnson K (58pp) with accompanying reader (184pp). AKA Module 7. RMIT University (Global, Urban and Social Studies).

Nelson A (2006) Thesis Design: A research manual for Embedded Practice Postgraduate Students. Prepared for SIAL (Professor Mark Burry), RMIT University 49pp.

Nelson A (2003) The original mermaid, (study guide) Australian Teachers of Media.

Nelson A (2002) Black and white, (study guide) Australian Teachers of Media.

Nelson A (2002) DIY law, (study guide) Australian Teachers of Media.

Nelson A (2002) Small island big fight, (study guide) Australian Teachers of Media.


A Nelson A and A Babon (2006) ‘Evaluation report: Capacity building of civil society for improved environmental health and sustainable rural livelihoods project’ for the Asia Pacific Unit of the Australian Conservation Foundation, Melbourne, and funding organisation AusAID ADPlan.

Nelson A (2006) ‘Evaluation methods for Australian Conservation Foundation Asia Pacific Unit ADPlan partners’, a briefing paper commissioned by the Asia Pacific Unit of the Australian Conservation Foundation, Melbourne.

A Babon and Nelson A (2006) ‘Holding the international financial institutions to account: Final evaluation of a CELCOR (PNG) project supported by the Australian Conservation Foundation’ commissioned by CELCOR (PNG) for ICCO, Netherlands.

A Babon and Nelson A (2005) ‘Holding the international financial institutions to account: Mid-term evaluation of a CELCOR (PNG) project supported by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)’ commissioned by CELCOR (PNG) for ICCO, Netherlands.

Nelson A (2005) ‘Evaluation of Veterans’ Garden Improvement Program’ organised by Garden of Eden and Cultivating Community with Mission Australia, funded by Veterans Affairs (Victoria).

Nelson A and Lachetta A (2005) ‘Evaluation of the Smith Street Green Streets pilot project’ commissioned by Village Well, Melbourne.


Nelson A (1995) Marx’s concept of money. PhD thesis, La Trobe University, Bundoora — revised as book.

Nelson A (1979) Manley’s challenge to the multinational aluminium companies in Jamaica in the 1970s. Honours thesis, History Department, La Trobe University, Bundoora.

You can download numbers of these publications by following the links or from —